Thursday, May 15, 2008

craigslist gives marketing/advertising a bad name

So it happens that I'm selling a painting on that most invaluable website, craigslist. Which gave me an opportunity to peruse the jobs, especially under the category "marketing/pr/ad".

These ads infuriate me.

The come-ons, the postings for "RAKING IN $$$$ FROM HOME!", are bad enough. But worse are the ads that are just sales jobs, door-to-door salesmen or pyramid schemes.

Somehow these bullshit things wound up lumped in with "marketing/pr/ad"... where they emphatically DO NOT BELONG. And it isn't just craigslist; it's everywhere, whether Monster or local newspaper classifieds.

How did it happen?

In our culture, "marketing/pr/ad" is saddled with decades of negative connotations. We're already fighting an uphill battle.

Maybe that's what I love about it.


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